100 word challange

Black pancakes


As i smell the yummy pancakes and butter sizzling  in the pan, I get bored of waiting for them to cook so I leave them and go watch some TV. After a while I can smell pancakes burning, as I run into the kitchen I see they are not the colour im looking for. Instead of nice crispy brown they are BLACK, my heart sinks and I turn pale. I have no idea what to do so instead of  cooking more I pile my pancake up with whipped cream and jam. I decide we will have BLACK pancakes for breakfast.

By Phoebe

family BBQ

Sometimes at Christmas-time, me and my family would all get together and have a  family BBQ. Dad would crank the bbq up and put sausages,meat patties and all sorts of yummy things while Nan and Anna would get all the other food together.


People would sit around the table while the sausages crackled on the BBQ. on  a hot day me and my cuzzies would put the sprinkler under the tramp. We would put  suds on the tramp wanse we kind of put to mach soap on and my sister fall of BUT I steel  think that it is gust Clumsiness .


Me and pop like to do same little pranks well when i say little he dose little pranks i do big wones won time when i went to stay at thear house i was going to bed and he put a thissel in my bed that whasent funny.